UI claimants that have questions regarding their claim please call UIA at 866-500-0017.
Check out our in person workshops! Please scroll down to the "Calendar" button in the center column.
Please call for information at 248-691-8437.



Register for Work

When a claim is filed for Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA), the claimant must have a resume in the Pure Michigan Talent Connect (PMTC) website in order to receive compensation. If a job seeker needs assistance with this process, a Michigan Works! staff member will provide the necessary help.

To register for work, claimants must enter a resume of their job experience and education into the PMTC Website. The resume can be entered at a Michigan Works! one-stop or from any Internet connection available to the claimant.  Regardless of where the resume is entered, all claimants must take their resume and report in-person at the one-stop location. The UIA advises claimants to complete a resume and report to a Michigan Works! one-stop location within five (5) business days of filing their claim. Claimants must update their resume and register for work each time a new claim is filed.

Claimants must go in person to a Michigan Works! one-stop where the staff will view the claimant’s online PMTC resume and verify to the UIA that the claimant has registered for work.  If a claimant enters his or her resume into the PMTC but fails to report in-person to the Michigan Works!, the Unemployment Insurance (UI) rules will not allow benefit payment, even though the claimant is registered for work.

To allow sufficient time for unemployment registration, all individuals should arrive at Michigan Works! Oak Park no later than 3:30 p.m.

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Are you going to school or training and collecting unemployment benefits?  To collect unemployment benefits, claimants are required to be available for and actively seeking full-time employment. The claimant cannot refuse a job offer of suitable work due to their enrollment into school or training.  However, the law states that if a claimant is making satisfactory progress in an approved vocational training program, they can continue to receive their benefits even though they are not available or seeking work.

Claimants in training requesting a Waiver are served on Mondays and Thursdays without an appointment.  Michigan Works Oak Park will assist you in completing the required forms for a determination to be made. Claimants are required to supply specific information regarding their training.  Please be sure to bring the following  documentation with you to complete the Waiver of UI Eligibility forms:

  • Provide a copy of your transcripts, report cards, progress reports or certificates of completion for any previously completed courses, or test results completed as part of the admission process to the training facility.
  • Supply a description of the curriculum outline of the required classes or program of study/degree requirements. A copy from the school’s catalog is sufficient.
  • Bring proof of current registration indicating your name, semester beginning & ending dates, and the name of the training facility/school.

Once the forms are complete, Michigan Works Oak Park will forward your documents and request to the UIA.  UIA will issue a written determination to the claimant stating the waiver has been granted or it has been denied and why.   Instructions on how to certify bi-weekly to MARVIN while on a waiver will also be included.

Important !!!  UI Waiver Forms can be submitted no earlier than 2-3 weeks prior to when the school semester begins.

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Reemployment Services

The Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA) provides for the early identification of those Unemployment Insurance claimants considered most likely to have an extended duration of unemployment or to exhaust their benefits before finding a job. Early intervention can help claimants find suitable employment before their unemployment insurance benefits are exhausted. Profiling focuses on claimants who will receive an unemployment insurance check within five weeks of filing. Claimants are identified by the Unemployment Insurance Agency.

Individuals selected for RESEA will receive a notification letter from UIA. The notification letter will include the location, date, time that the claimant must attend their MANDATORY RESEA session. If a claimant fails to report, it may result in the loss of benefits.

If you have been selected for RESEA and cannot attend your scheduled day and time, please contact your assigned local office in the letter you were sent from UIA.

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Contact UIA

MARVIN: 1-866-638-3993

MARVIN is the UIA’s toll-free automated telephone system you call every other week to claim unemployment benefits.

Telephone Inquiries: 1-866-500-0017

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues in regards to your unemployment claim, you need to contact the UIA.  The phone number is available to speak with a representative weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Problem Resolution Office:

If you can not resolve your issues over the phone, you can go to the following Problem Resolution Office on weekdays from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.:
Cadillac Place – 3024 West Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48202 (in the lobby)

Unemployment Payments and Other Services Available Online: (Flyer)

To access unemployment benefit information, claimants can sign up for online services with UIA by registering at www.michigan.gov/uia. Click on “Online Services for Unemployed Workers” and register as a New User.  It takes a few days for the UIA to send a temporary password to access the information.

Once you register for Online Services, you are able to log on and view your benefit year beginning and end dates, weekly benefit amounts (gross), current payment methods, Regular and Extended weeks paid and weeks remaining. It also has a payment log with dates and details. You can certify with Marvin Online through this service.

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UIA Forms & Publications

Forms, Publications and Fact Sheets

Waiver of UI Eligibility Requirements

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